1. Booking

Is it possible to arrange a visit before booking?

Yes, we encourage you to visit prior to booking. Please e-mail wedding@kiftsgatecourt.com to arrange a convenient time to visit.

What is included in our booking?

Exclusive use of the gardens for your wedding reception and wedding photos and exclusive use of the grounds for your wedding dinner and after dinner celebrations. Parking near the house and gardens is included. Outdoor toilets are available but they are not heated. You can use our electricity supply for your marquee however we strongly suggest you arrange a back-up generator in case of a power cut.

How do we confirm our booking?

We will send you a booking form which you can complete, sign and send back. You will then make the deposit payment and we will confirm you booking once it is received.

Can we have our wedding ceremony in the gardens?

Yes. We have been granted a wedding licence. Please contact Gloucetsershire County Coucil to book a registrat once you have booked with us. A £500 fee will be included in your booking with us. You can have a wedding blessing ceremony in the gardens if you wish to renew your vows.

Can we cancel our booking?

The cancellation policy will be sent with the booking documentation.

Can we stay at Kiftsgate over our wedding?

There is the possibility of the bride and groom staying at Kiftsgate over your wedding. There is room for 24 people to stay in the main house and nearby cottage. Please get in touch by e-mailing wedding@kiftsgatcourt.com

2. Preparations


Can we choose our own caterers?

Yes, you can choose your own caterer and should you need it we can suggest some catering companies we have worked with in the past.

What are the measurements of the area where we can construct our marquee?

The main car park where the marquee can be constructed measures 26m x 16m. The surface is stone hardcore and therefore hard flooring is required.

Can we bring our own alcohol?

Yes, you can but we ask couples to arrange the hiring of a small skip to ensure all waste is removed.

Do we have to arrange toilet facilities?

There are two gentlemen and four ladies toilets in the courtyard. They are not heated but are used over the summer months by people visiting the gardens. Couples usually hire toilets that are placed near the marquee for the evening

Can we set-up ahead of the wedding day?

You and your suppliers are welcome to set-up from 6.30pm on the Thursday before your wedding. Marquees must be deconstructed by 11 a.m. at the latest the day after your wedding.

Are animals allowed in the garden and in the house?

A well behaved and closely monitored pet is welcome to attend the wedding celebrations. They are not permitted upstairs inside the house.

3. The day itself

What time can we arrive on the day?

If you are not already staying at Kiftsgate you can arrive at 10 a.m. on the day of your wedding.

What time do the celebrations have to end by?

The celebrations will end at Midnight at the latest with carriages at 12.30.

Is there parking at Kiftsgate?

There is ample parking near the house and garden. Coaches and buses can park in front of the house but must enter the property via the back drive.

What happens if it rains?

If it rains throughout the day there are various covered areas throughout the gardens and it will also be possible to use the veranda and tea rooms for your drinks reception. The tearooms will not be made available unless rain is forecast for the majority of the day. There are numerous stone paths around the garden so those with umbrellas can still enjoy the garden. Some grass areas of the garden may be inaccessible if there has been heavy rain prior to or on the day of your wedding day.